Creating an event proposal is great, but almost anyone can do it. Creating a proposal that will actually win over clients take time, effort, and attention to detail. If you are new to the event planning business, you might find writing a proposal overwhelming and wonder how you will compete with the competition. We’re sharing all the tips for not only creating an event planning proposal, but winning over your clients.
We are going to take just a few minutes to walk you through some of the main things you really need to pay attention to when writing an eye-catching and professional proposal.
Also check out our 5-star rate event planning proposal templates to help get you started.
1. Know Your Niche
Something that is really important that sometimes gets overlooked is that you need to know your niche. That is to say, that you need to know who you wish to attract. The people that will be booking your services will become the backbone of your business. You need to know what their pain points are, how to solve the problems they have, and how to grab their attention professionally and aesthetically. This is your first step when learning to write a winning proposal.
2. Overview of The Event
To get a client to have confidence in your ability to meet their event planning needs, you will need to have a very detailed overview of the event in your proposal. This will let them see that you do indeed understand what they want the event to be. If the potential client has any doubts about your understanding of the event, it is unlikely that they will hire you.
The second key to a successful proposal is giving the client unshakable confidence in your company and abilities.
3. Itemized Event Budget
Money is an important part of any business and event planning is no different. A common mistake that is made by new event planners is that they don’t give an itemized break down of the cost of services to run the event. What we see most often is event planners giving one overall price for the whole event. This is not a good plan of action. Potential clients want to know exactly what they are paying for and how much for each aspect of the event. To have a successful proposal you need to have this area be crystal clear to your potential clients.
4. Description of Services
Along with a detailed price breakdown of each service, you need to include a very detailed description of the services you will be providing to your client. Don’t leave anything out. If you think it is too detailed and that the client will just understand what is included you will be setting yourself up for a poor client experience and potentially missed booking.
Two different people rarely define things or understand things the same way. That is why it is critical to be descriptive in your proposal. Don’t leave anything to chance. Clarity and transparency are an event planner’s best friends.
5. Proof and Finesse your Event Planning Proposal
Proofreading and finessing the final product is just good practice. If you don’t do this then you may miss some typos, misprints, or things that just don’t sound as good as they could. It is a good idea for you to go through the proposal again but to also ask an employee or friend to read through for a fresh set of eyes.
Don’t let the reason you lose a client booking be because of something as simple as forgetting to change the name on the proposal from your previous client!
Got questions or need help? Don’t hesitate to contact us.